Happy Easter! 10 aprile 2020


gianluca camillini - mistergatto.com


Mister Gatto wishes you all pleasant and serene Easter days.


LP #4 fresh from the press 19 febbraio 2020




This issue investigates the topic of sustainability; the magazine is bound with a green staple and printed with green Pantone on carta mela, fsc paper produced with local apple waste. Typefaces by Cast foundry and ABCDinamo.

For info and to claim for your free copy click here.


Take a break and enjoy your holiday 20 dicembre 2019




Take a break and enjoy your holiday

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Gianluca, Margherita and Leonardo 


LP selected by the ADI Design Index 24 ottobre 2019




We’re all good at doing easy things. But the real goal is to be good at doing challenging things, turning them into something easy… I’m glad to announce that “LP”, the output of the research project that I carried out at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano with Matteo Moretti and with the help of Claudia Polizzi has been included in the 2019 ADI Index, the selection of design projects that will compete for the next Premio Compasso d’Oro.

Many thanks to all involved: Marco Pappalardo, Fabio Gobbato, Johanna Christine Wörndle Vegni, Silvia Fabbi, Guido M K Steinegger, Carmen Kollmann, Roman Clara, Franco Grigoletto, Silvia Amistadi, Monika Pichler, Kunigunde Weissenegger, Ivo corrà, Walter Donegà, Esperia Print Evolution.


“LP” is a transmedia editorial project (printed, digital and mobile), free and published by Provincia Bolzano in 40.000 copies. For further info and pictures click here!


LP 2 is hot off the press 6 giugno 2019


LP Magazine N.2 / Gianluca Camillini, Matteo Moretti / Foto: FIl



LP 2 is hot off the press, the free magazine published by the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol in collaboration with a research team of the Free University of Bolzano led by Matto Moretti and Gianluca Camillini. The magazine has been realized thanks to the collaboration of Claudia Polizzi and the press agency of the Province.

Claim your free copy and further info here.


Progetto grafico 34 @ Libreria Verso, Milano 27 marzo 2019




Progetto grafico 34 — Super fun! 14 marzo 2019




The new «Progetto grafico» is hot off the press! Number 34 provides an interpretation of fun as the antithesis to work (dealt with in the previous issue #33) in a deliberately provocative way, aware of the problems of giving entertainment a sole definition.

Many thanks to the publisher Aiap, Associazione italiana design della comunicazione visiva, editorial board and contributors: Gianluca Camillini and Jonathan Pierini. (editors), Giulia Cordin, Caterina Di Paolo, Michele Galluzzo, Silvio Lorusso, Emilio Macchia, Erica Preli, Giorgio Ruggeri, Rudy Lamanuzzi, Mauro Simionato, Filippo Lorenzin, Nico Morabito, Huyb Haye van der Verf, Sarah Snaith. Design: EEE studio (Emilio Macchia e Erica Preli), typeface: Typefaces of the Temporary State Technical partners and sponsors: Fedrigoni, Rubbettino Print.

Available in bookshops and online here and there. Click here for further info.


UDHR — Poster exhibiton 28 febbraio 2019




Imagine a country where everything is fair, whose citizens are not differentiated by their race, sex or creed but they are all humans united under the same flag. This is Rightland! Our poster is a fictional flag made of reinterpreted signs and colours taken from flags in which the human rights are often violated and at the heart of the matter.


On the occasion of its 70th anniversary, we were asked to create a poster inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Our poster will be displayed along the streets of Bergamo from 1st to 31st March 2019 – representing the starting point of a series of actions aimed at making people reflect on the relevance of human rights, the need to defend them and to denounce their violations.

The designers involved are: Alberto Biffi, Laura Bortoloni, Cristiano Bottino/studio FM milano, Mauro Bubbico, Gianluca Camillini / Mister Gatto, Dario Carta, Francesco Dondina, jekyll & hyde, Orith Kolodny, LaTigre, Lucia Lamacchia, Gianni Latino, Claudio Madella, Armando Milani, Francesca Pignataro, Stefano Reboli Studio, Mariangela Savoia. Click here or here for further info.



Best wishes from the Family Band 25 dicembre 2018



We wish you a happy Christmas and a New Year in the swing of things!

Vi auguriamo un felice Natale e un nuovo anno a pieno ritmo!


The Family Band: Leonardo (vocal), Gianluca (guitar) and Margherita (piano and management)


LP — Das Land — Provincia 21 dicembre 2018


© Gianluca Camillini - mistergatto.com


LP is the free magazine published by the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol in collaboration with a research team of the Free University of Bolzano led by Matto Moretti and Gianluca Camillini. The magazine has been realized thanks to the collaboration of Claudia Polizzi and the press agency of the Province.

Claim your free copy and for further info here.